Benjamin Gorski

Geology Portfolio

Research Projects

UIUC RiverLab
Middle Fork Vermilion River
Senior Thesis

(In progress) The MFVR research project aims to compare post-settlement alluvium (PSA), unit stream power, and the rate of meander migration to the neighboring Sangamon River where the University of Illinois completed similar research. This project is part of a broader initiative funded by the NSF to investigate how rivers that developed during the Holocene epoch (the formerly glaciated Midwest) respond to land use change. 

Our group is researching post-settlement alluvium by hand augering core samples near the MFVR and determining magnetic fly ash concentrations. Because it originates from the combustion of coal, fly ash serves as a reliable stratigraphic marker to distinguish between pre-settlement and post-settlement alluvium. 

Because magnetic fly ash concentration is inversely correlated to flood plain width, we used a topographic relief map to find reasonable coring locations. 

Pictured: M.S Nol Srivichainun and my research advisor Dr. Alison Anders

UIUC RiverLab

I presented this research project at the The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 2023 SESE Research Fair. 

View poster HERE

View ArcGIS Pro File HERE